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Ryan M. Verdery, AIF®
Managing Director

Ryan is the son of a retired military officer and has referred to much of the U.S. as home. Following in a noble family tradition, Ryan followed with a military career of his own, serving in the U.S. Army as a member of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf ’s Command Staff while stationed with the 24th Infantry Division (Mech) during the 1980’s and is the proud recipient of The Army Commendation Medal. Since leaving the military, Ryan and his wife settled in Cary, NC, where they reside with their two sons.
Ryan began his career in the financial services industry in 1997 and began to narrow his focus on retirement plans the following year. He is committed to his role as a co-fiduciary and has received the AIF® (Accredited Investment Fiduciary) designation. Ryan is responsible for consulting employers with respect to fiduciary best practices, plan design assistance and employee education. The leadership skills Ryan obtained from serving with General Schwarzkopf are applied with the same rigorous amount of discipline to the employer sponsored retirement plan fiduciary processes.
Ryan studied Managerial Economics at Carnegie Mellon University. An outdoorsman at heart, he enjoys various aspects of extended wilderness treks. Through much experience Ryan has become a proficient marksman and skilled scuba diver.